Business Model

ZKC, LLC’s business model addresses the two key problems facing both experienced and aspiring law firms participating in mass tort cases:

  • Cost-efficient acquisition using sophisticated direct marketing. ZKC, LLC provides best-in-class direct marketing practices across the full spectrum of media in the acquisition of cases, and
  • Financing case acquisition costs. ZKC, LLC and its partnership with law firm investor can underwrites the media costs of case acquisition, freeing capital-constrained law firms from tying up capital for years as they acquire cases.

Very few law firms have the media or marketing experience to effectively compete in an increasingly crowded DRTV market for new cases, much less digital media like the internet or mobile. And for all law firms participating in mass tort cases, the capital outlay required to acquire new cases presents challenging cash flow and risk management issues.

ZKC, LLC will be working in partnership with one or more financing sources, essentially as partners in a referring law firm. The partnership, working with its matter-handling law firm partners, will identify the cases it wishes to pursue. Funding is drawn to pay for media and case acquisition and related costs, with retained cases referred to the law firm partners. The partner law firms are responsible for managing the prosecution of cases and all associated costs.

Upon settlement, fees owed to the MDL steering committee will be paid. After that, the financing partner will receive the return of its initial capital before any other expenses or distributions.

In addition, ZKC, LLC will be looking for innovative ways to monetize the value of inquiries, and the financing source will be able to participate in this revenue stream.